Thursday 29 April 2010

Virtual Leadership

From Victor

We observe a trend on the horizon - a mega trend (a terms first coined in the 80's by Naisbett and Aburdeen). It has distinct and unusal elements that combine factors like leadership from the middle, creating room for the human spirit in business - how to develop followship and how to achieve results and still lead/live from values.

To bring all this together is not on CEO's cv - it's not on anyone's cv but we see it happening intuitively when people decide they want to do something different. To make a step to become what we have termed virtual leaders. The term was handed to us by a client in a specific context. Today we see this trend generalising in many forms and expressing itself in different ways. You can get a fuller description of virtual leaderhsip if you go to TQ4i and click on virtual leadership.

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